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» » » Karang Nini (Nini’s rock)

This tourism forest lays in high among 0 – 25 m dpl, field configuration by and large surge. Thisa have rain 3.585 mm / years with air temperature 22 – 35 °C.

This tourism forest is utilized for tourism day to day with tourism activity that can be done is picnic, untrammeled oceanic panorama and Nusa Kambangan's island, crosscountry and going fish.

Area history

On epoch anciently at one present gathering place named Emplak stays behind a couple grandmother grandfather (aki and nini) named supernatural Ambu Kolot and Arga Piara.

Hobby Aki (grandfather) Is go fish sea bream as usually on some day Aki (grandfather) goes to go fish while the Nini waits on the house. Days have stepped out afternoon Aki haven't yet homewards. That thing makes the Grandmother become wroth (ill at ease) worried happening undesirable something befalls self the Aki. Its researched coastwise and calling voice betwixt wave splashing. But until nighted change day the Aki makes a abode to fail is met. Islandic one helps to look for was desperate and homewards to its house each. Stay the Nini own ashore.

With proprietary miracle, the Nini besoughts to Ratu Laut Kidul to be able to being bridged by the Aki how its situation. Are not how long then manifesting is before the Nini one reef in a state dilate, as actualise as from body the Aki. Now that reef is named Balekambang. Previously reportedly if we stand up upon that reef feel pretend wiggling.

Pushed by wish to prove love and loyalty love its then the Nini meditates is back besought to Nyi Loro Kidul that she is embodied as the Aki. The Nini finally manifests to become reef hads up oceanic to aim Balekambang.

Second mankind story that until now still robust most perpetuates through two reefs which is Karangnini and Balekambang.


Available facility at tourism forest location this is road map board, swinging post, job cabin, ticket booth, place parks, lane, water installation, garbage can, shelter, peacemaker railing, bathroom, stool, mushola, scout tower, guesthouse, information center and some booth / canteen.


This tourism forest gets to be reached from Kalipucang's district (14 km), and from Regency Ciamis (114 km). Condition of road generally gets asphalt and well so get good been passed through wheels vehicle two and also four. Common transportation medium ojek's motor aught (wheeled vehicle two), Colt and chartered vehicle.

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