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» » » Curug Cibolang

This tourism forest consisting of pine plant forest, aught water source as wellspring and an river that current exploited by makes relocation installation the favor fresh water and bathroom. visual landscape's potency wend enough location pulls with nature landscape as: forest and mountain panorama, meanwhile nature phenomena / visual landscape's potency in area that have typical characteristic is waterfall and nature panorama.

This tourism forest is utilized for tourism day to day and camp tourism. Tourism activity daily one gets to be done is waterfall bath, outting, relax road, hiking and seeing matches against ham, meanwhile for activity encamps is of service 1 encampment complex as extensive as more or less 2 ha.

Since before that location men names it Cibolang but still reputed constitute ghostlike region and magical creature places.

On year middle 1986 Perum Perhutani is instructed shalls be tourism potencies, at that location is found Tourism Object as Curug (waterfall) as much 7 (seven) numbers so named Curug Cibolang's Sevens.

Available facility type is: ticket booth, road map board, swinging post, place parks, w.c., stool, information center, garbage can, lane, musholla, encampment earth, shelter and bonfire acreage.
This tourism forest gets to be reached from Panjalu's district (5 km), and from Regency Ciamis (31 km) and Bandung (112 km). Condition of road in a general way gets asphalt and get to be passed through by wheels vehicle four. Common Transportation medium aught just ojek (wheeled vehicle two).

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