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» » September - East Java Tourism Calendar

4 September – Probolinggo City
Decorated Pedicab And Carriage Parade

This event coincides with the anniversary of Probolinggo city and is celebrated by parade of pedicab and carriage drivers. The passengers are all government official of the town of Probolinggo.

20 September – Tulungagung Regency
Kucing Marriage

Watch the odd marriage and be the witness at uncommon ceremony of cat marriage, you will have an unforgettable experience. This annual event is held at Campur Darat village, Tulungagung regency. The aim of the festival is to expect the rain fall. It is historically initiated by Mbah Sangkah. People believe that when the couple of the cats (Tirtosari and Joko Wono) take a shower, the rain will fall soon. The bathing procession takes place in Coban Kromo highlighted with traditional performance.

27 September – Malang Regency
Sea Offering Ceremony At Sendang Biru Beach

See the description: Sea Offering Ceremony At Balekambang Beach on March 22.
Sendang Biru beach is located at Tambakrejo village, Sumbermanjing district, Malang regency.

28 September – Sumenep Regency
Rice Cake Party (Kupatan Party)

The traditional party of Sumenep society by serving various kinds of rice cake cooking. This could be enjoyed when you stop over on the Sloppeng and Lombang beaches. This event only conducted seven days after the Idul Fitri holiday.

September – Probolinggo City
Kang-Yuk Contest

See the description: The Election of Jaka and Rara in Malang regency on August 21. Kang-Yuk (Mr. And Miss Probolinggo) contest is held in Probolinggo city.

September-October – Sampang Regency
Bull Race And Sapi Sono' Festival

Sapi Sono' means decorated cow. It is a couple of selected female cows colorfully decorated like racing bull. Sapi Sono' takes place before the bull race begins. This event is held at Sampang, Ketapang and Kedundung districts, Sampang regency.

September – Magetan Regency
Bagus-Dyah Contest In Magetan Regency

See the description: The Election of Jaka and Rara in Malang regency on August 21. Bagus-Dyah (Mr. And Miss Magetan) contest is held in Magetan regency.

29 September – Surabaya Food Festival

Taste the delicacy of East Java cuisine. East Java Government Tourism Service annually holds East Java Food Festival participated by the hotels and restaurants in East Java. The aims to introduce the variety of East Java special cuisine nationally and internationally. It is held in Surabaya.

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